Monday, December 7, 2009

My Island

In class we have been learning about longitude and latitude so we have made a web page of our own island. My island has a flag, map, national animal and a picture of my island. My island is on the coast of France and Spain that is why it is callled Frain.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my goal setting

One of my goals for next year at Napier girls high school is to take more opportunities and try new things. Here is a list of things i would to try :

Extension Art
Canoe Polo
Learn The Violin

I would like to do these things because i haven't done that much at intermediate.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Welcome to my blog :] :{]

Goal Setting

When I'm older my goal is to be a doctor because you help people. These are the steps i can take now:

~Try hard in school
~Study lots in High School

They are the steps i have to take.